Soooo this is the long promised art Update. Since my charsheet came up here, i got some more cool art and i want to present this to you now 😀
So lets start with the oldest picture. I got this one from Trygon/Vinaru together with a christmas card from Draconigen. It’s sooo awesome and i’m very thankful for this. Thank you Trygon for this awesome sketch and thank you both for the christmas card.
Next one is a picture from the wonderful Naokohara. It is based on a scene i have seen in the movie Jarhead but with some changes because of my hobby and character. So you see my char in a burning oilfield in M90k (swedisch desert tarn).
Another gift art i got is from The Lily. I won this with the decision to get a feral painting of my char. I think it came out very well for this uprising artist. And look how cute i am ;P
Last but not least. The epic picture this time is from Virtyalfobo. I waited for it about 6 months but it came out sooo awesome 😀 So here is the high res. version of it. I can only say commision this guy 🙂 He is very awesome and a good artist to work with. He stays in contact and discuses every single step with you.
oh yeah… there is even a naughtier version of this picture, but it will never see the public eye and is only available for a close ring of people i know.
all pictures will be added to a gallery in my character description for reference HERE! (this is a Link you can open it) 😀